Action Music Lessons

Lessons available for guitar, piano, drum, violin, voice , ukulele, bass guitar, cello, banjo, mandolin, clarinet, and harmonica

In person or online lessons // specializing in all genres of music

Learn your favorite songs and how to write you own. Beginning to advanced skill level.

full recording studio

Over 20 years experience teaching

Music Lessons

Guitar Lessons

Acoustic // Electric

Voice Lessons

Recording // Production

Ukulele Lessons

Soprano // Concert // Tenor // Baritone

Cello Lessons

1/8 to 4/4 size

Piano Lessons

Standard // Synthesizer

Bass Guitar Lessons

Acoustic // Electric

Banjo Lessons

Scruggs // Claw Hammer // Modern

Mandolin Lessons

Drum Lessons

Full kit // Hand drum

Violin Lessons

Acoustic // Electric

Harmonica Lessons

Multiple key signature

Clarinet Lessons

Lesson Fees

Monthly Half Hour Sessions

$35 per half hour // $140 monthly

Once a week half hour music lessons of the instrument of your choice.

Monthly Hour Sessions

$60 per hour // $240 monthly

Once a week hour music lessons.

Learn the instrument of your choice or multiple for once a week lessons.


Matt Savage

20 + years experience teaching music of all skill levels and ages

Book an appointment

please give a call or email.

Matt Savage / Action Music Lessons (530) 774 4582


If you would like more information via Email please fill out this form.